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Cleaning Service
We are the cleaning company that can help you tidy up your space and clean it to a shine (or spruce up your space). ⠀ 📌 The main services of the company are cleaning of different levels of complexity from standard to general, from home cleaning to large-scale areas, as well as after moving and repair. ⠀ 🏆 Thousands of satisfied customers trust us and re-apply for the services. ⠀ 💎 Cleanliness and shine guaranteed.
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Eesti (Tallinn)
Puhasruum OÜ
Sisekoristus, välikoristus, eritööd
Eesti Haldus OÜ on 100% erakapitalil põhinev kinnisvara korrashoidu tagav firma. Puhastusteenust oleme osutanud alates 2009. aastast. Tegevusaastate jooksul on välja kujunenud kindlad ja usaldusväärsed koostööpartnerid, millega oleme oma klientidele suutnud tagada rahulolu ja kindluse oma ruumide puhtuse üle. Aastatepikkune töökogemus ning erinevate piirkondade põhjalik tundmine võimaldab pakkuda täisväärtuslikke teenuseid erinevate vajadustega klientidele. Alates 2011. aasta oktoobrikuust kuulub Eesti Haldus OÜ EKHHL liikmete hulka ning liikme staatusest tulenevalt järgime/lähtume liidu Heade Tavade Koodeksi nõudeist.
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Eesti Haldus OÜ
Eesti erakapitalil põhinev Lux Puhastus OÜ on pühendunult pakkunud koristusteenust alates 2008. aastast. Meie klientide seas on enamasti ärikliendid, keda teenindame igapäevaselt nii 50m2 suurusega pindadest kuni 5000+m2 suuruste pindadeni.
Iga klient on meile oluline ja eriline ning seega kuulub meie tegevuskavasse reeglina kõigepealt kliendi ja objektiga tutvumine. Seda selleks, et kaardistada kliendi soovid ja vajadused ning kindlustada see, et me neid saja protsendiliselt ka täita suudaksime.
Hindame tugevalt stabiilsust ja regulaarsust, mida saame pakkuda nii oma partneritele kui ka töötajtele. Nii saavad kõik osapooled üksteise peale loota, plaane teha ja keskenduda sellele, mis neile kõige olulisem.
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Lux Puhastus OÜ
AI Technology Consulting & Development
- AI application development
- AI consulting
- NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)
- Machine Learning
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Singapore (Singapore)
Amela Technology JSC
Software development
Need a special software development or project but need more skills or time? That's where we come in. With extensive experience in software development, we have created various IT solutions and projects that our clients have only dared to dream of. It is essential for us to keep up with the latest software and tech trends. We aim to solve projects quickly and agilely while creating true digital experiences for clients.
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RoboPro Workforce
RoboPro Workforce is a comprehensive AI-driven robotic system designed to automate repetitive tasks and optimize workflow in various industries, including manufacturing, logistics, and agriculture. Our custom-built robots are equipped with advanced machine learning algorithms that enable them to adapt to new tasks quickly and efficiently, minimizing the need for human intervention.
By implementing RoboPro Workforce, businesses can reduce labor costs, increase production speed, and enhance overall operational efficiency, giving them a competitive edge in their respective markets.
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Eesti (Tallinn)
SureakYffatser OÜ
Custom web and mobile software development services, team augmentation, outsourcing, outstaffing.
## Services
- Custom web software development using Python/Django/React/Vue.js/etc
- Mobile app development using React Native
- Custom B2B services integration
- Software development teams augmentation
## Expertise
- Scalable, responsive web applications with high availability
- E-commerce solutions
- Web crawling, scrapers
- CRM and ERP
- E-learning
- Cloud computing
## Industries
- Retail e-commerce
- Real estate
- Finances
- Ed-tech
- B2B startups
Find out more at [](
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Any location
42 Coffee Cups OÜ
Website Development
We are a small but fine team that has managed to turn a hobby into a favourite pastime. We have been involved in graphic design for more than 6 years and we do not intend to stop there. We are helped by a cosy office in Northern Europe, in Tallinn, coffee and exciting projects from our clients. We speak three languages, including English, Estonian and Russian, and we are learning new languages. And are not afraid to use Google Translate when necessary. The average age of our team members is 30. We consider this our advantage, as we are able to understand the ideas and needs of both younger and older people. We work at a speed of 55 words per minute.
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Any location
Mitra Consult OÜ
Outsource & Outstaff services
Hello! We are pleased to introduce our company, Pecode - an ambitious team of professionals in the field of software development who genuinely love what they do. We specialize in creating high-quality software products from scratch, as well as providing outsourcing services to our clients.
Our team has rich experience developing software for various industries, including finance, healthcare, education, and more. We use advanced technologies and innovative methods to meet and exceed your expectations
Pecode's primary goal is to provide customers with high-quality software products and professional outsourcing services. Our team always strives for excellence and is ready to take on any challenges in software development. We are ready to help you turn your ideas into reality and achieve success in your business.
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Website development
Kaerus is a Product Studio that partners with funded startups and established brands to build interactive, mobile-first products that people love to use.
We work with our clients as Product Partners, supporting them proactively throughout the journey from idea to launching a product and scaling it up. Startups and brands work with us to define their product, design their prototype, develop their MVP and scale a successful product.
Our process stands out through our early focus on value and close partnerships. We work on each product to identify and create easy acquisition flows, generate value early to retain users, and build a solid infrastructure for scalability.
Our workflows are based on lean principles, rapid prototyping techniques and agile development, making us very fast and flexible in iterating value to users.
Our solutions for startups:
- Product definition
- Rapid prototyping
- MVP development
- Our solutions for larger organisations:
Design sprints:
- UX research and persona design
- Evidence-based growth plan
- Our technical team delivers full-stack implementation solutions, to build Native and React Native products for iOS, Android, Wearable Devices and the Web.
Our services include:
- Product strategy and definition
- UX/UI design
- Mobile and web development
- Backend services
- AI, Machine learning and data science
- Full Testing and QA
- Product launch solutions
- Product growth
We’ve built products for industries like:
- IoT
- Health
- Proptech
- Fintech
- Marketplaces and retail
- Social platforms
- Arts, entertainment and culture
Eesti (Tallinn)
KaerusTech OÜ
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